Dear Diary — Good Mourning
Pop Smoke
Blogpost Brooklyn Death Good Mourning Healing love

Bashar Barakah Jackson, best known as Pop Smoke, welcomed us to his party, whether we liked it or not. Some people didn't know what he was referencing, and for those who knew, we were willing to risk it all and attend this party anyway. If we ever questioned why he was moving "retarded," he told us. It is because of Molly, Lean, and Xan, he said he didn't like loud noises. "Lower your tone," the repercussions for not obliging to these instructions, "you could get hit." So, I already knew to attend this party and not make too much noise....
Good Mourning...
Blogpost Book Good Mourning Healing Healthy Motivational

"Grieving (to me) is like living with chronic pain, which the medication used to subdue emotions can change frequently. It’s an emotion that can’t be stopped, and if not careful, you can end up needing to recover from bad habits that it has the potential to create."