Monthly Devotionals


bible community Faith god


"We are better together than we are alone. Community breathes life back into the quivering silence and restlessness, loneliness fosters. The coming together of like minds is powerful. Tribe, Clan, Family, Circle, Set, Team, these are all identifiers of community." 

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Leadership is...

Boss Education Leaders Leadership Mind Motivational Teachers

Leadership is...

"To be a leader is to be a servant for the people; to carry the weight of information, the burden, and wisdom that is usually unseen by those who aren’t in a leadership position."

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You’ve tried everything? In times like these …

Faith Healing

You’ve tried everything? In times like these …

"Noise allows you to appreciate and accept silence, just as doubt allows us to appreciate and honor truth." Dina Hawthorne

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Be Careful...

Faith Healing Healthy Mind Motivational

Be Careful...

"Who do you trust to protect you from Insidious people?" 

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Faith Grief Healing


"What stage was she in? What step am I experiencing and how many more levels, stages and years of grief will we all endure?"

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