Monthly Devotionals — Healing

Spiritual Discernment

Bible Blog Post Blogpost Discernment Faith Healing Hope Love Mental Health Motivation Spiritual

Spiritual Discernment

"Spiritual discernment can help with discovering behavior like this and reveal things that you didn’t know and even support your decision-making process; it helps you to apply wisdom to information and knowledge you already have."

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In Pain? Experiencing Mental Anguish?

bible Blog Blogpost Faith God Healing Healthy Inspirational mental wellness Mind Motivational

In Pain? Experiencing Mental Anguish?

Are you mad at God or the people who introduced you to God?

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Die - Eating..

diet dieting food Healing health foods Healthy mental wellness

Die - Eating..

"As an adult, we have more control over what goes into our bodies than we do as children. As a child, you must eat what's given to you or pass out, starve, or die from hunger. This devotional isn't about poverty or foods that can make you sick. However, this is but merely regarding the consumption of food in places where food isn't scarce, where people can make conscious food purchases and choices."

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You’ve tried everything? In times like these …

Faith Healing

You’ve tried everything? In times like these …

"Noise allows you to appreciate and accept silence, just as doubt allows us to appreciate and honor truth." Dina Hawthorne

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Be Careful...

Faith Healing Healthy Mind Motivational

Be Careful...

"Who do you trust to protect you from Insidious people?" 

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