Be Careful...

Ondina Silvera Faith Healing Healthy Mind Motivational


Beware of Insidious people.

Insidious: the most cunning and crafty way a person can deceive you.

They are like fishermen and not in the way you think...You are the prey that they are studying and luring to catch.

These types of people require Spiritual Discernment to understand and avoid them. They are liars and will adapt to whatever they need to, to achieve a successful, phycological, physical, spiritual, emotional and even sexual relationship, with whoever they feel is weak enough to become sucked into their web of deception.  

To understand and know their ways, is too apply wisdom and stay away from them. These type of people will do a lot of good deeds under the guise of some other misleading intent. They create chaos and confusion. These type of people prey on individuals they think are inadequate, broken, damaged or feeble. 

Jeremiah 17 and verse 9

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" 


I believe in God and my faith in him tells me, Gods protection against such people is paramount to living amongst them. Sometimes we overlook discernment and even ignore it, but thank God for his son Jesus Christ, because with the Power of God and His Son, these people will not be able to redirect the Holy Spirit that dwells and lives within me and you. 

There are two spirits warring within each and every one of us. We have that selfish spirit that only thinks and cares about self, and we have the other spirit that loves God and enjoys helping, loving and caring for others.  

I pray that your steps are ordered and protected from such a person. Insidious people are dangerous, as they generally do not acknowledge their faults and seldom if ever take accountability for their actions. 

Thank God, He understands the heart better than man. Thank God, I have chosen God to be my rock and fortress, for it is God who I trust over and with my life. 

"Who do you trust to protect you from Insidious people?" 



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