
Ondina Silvera Faith Grief Healing

There are so many beautiful books, ironically that aides and support sorrow.

Grief, it has been documented and researched; there are stages to it. I find it interesting I went my entire life without knowing there were stages of grief until I needed to know there were levels to the heart-wrenching pain I was experiencing. Is it going to get worst, am I destined to lose my mind, will God forget that I professed to be His child?! My mind has enlisted itself for a race that I wasn’t prepared for, a run neither my body or my memory is sure will reach the finish line, and I am reminded suddenly,

“I can do all things through Christ, that strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

I question, “what will I have the strength to do?” God, answered my question through the voice and strength of others. A mature woman, her name I will not mention, said to me, “I am you over 15 years ago, I remember those emotions you have and I am here to tell you, you learn to walk with it. It doesn’t get better.” She too is grieving the death of her baby. What stage was she in? What step am I experiencing and how many more levels, stages and years of grief will we all endure?

I cried because I understood the bible text better now. When the scripture said “ALL things through Christ,” it also meant grieving, because to experience such great sorrow wasn’t exclusively and neither separates from that text. I believe and know I will have the strength to walk with my grief alongside joy. I understand and know my Spirit will not be broken, even though at times it may feel that way.





"I salute your will to develop your own understanding and relationship with God. I salute your will to intentionally seek support, from the Spiritual Guide (The Bible) for life’s unpredictable journey. I salute you for never giving up on seeking love and light against hate and darkness. I salute your will to remain Faithful even when uncertain."  – O. Silvera

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