Leadership is probably not what you think!
“Not many of you should become teachers…for you know that we who teach, will be judged with greater strictness.” James 3:1
Many people running for a position of power, are obsessed with leadership roles, and very few think about the responsibility that comes with being a leader, a teacher. You can mold the mind of a person, guide and direct, and when you use this power to derail, hurt, harm, create confusion, or worst to increase your worth, you stack coals on your head.
To be a leader is to be a servant for the people; to carry the weight of information, the burden, and wisdom that is usually unseen by those who aren’t in a leadership position. Some people are called to be leaders, it’s an annoying pressure on them that will not go away, and for others, and it’s a burden they have given themselves for the sake of personal gain.
All too many times leaders/teachers discover the unsettling truth of such a position; they are responsible for everyone. Most do not think about the quality of information they share, or service provided or product sold unless it aligns with their vision. However, there are leaders/teachers that understand the weight of such a responsibility and are careful not to trample on it. They care about the message, the service, and the product they deliver to the people. They carry the burden of the people and the risk.
Before you decide you want to be a leader/teacher, ask yourself if you are prepared to do what best serves the people, the population you will govern. Will you take on the responsibility of taking care of the emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual needs of the people? Will you wrestle with the plight of the people and stand up against elements that threaten the quality of life for the people you say you lead?
Once you know, you cannot go back to not, therefore as leaders and teachers, ignorance will never be blissful, as you are forever in a position of knowing, understanding and the application of the knowledge.
What kind of leader are you? Should you lead or be led?
“I salute your will to develop your own understanding and relationship with God. I salute your will to develop your own personal relationship with reading the Spiritual guide to life’s unpredictable journey. (The Bible) I salute you for never giving up on seeking love and light against hate and darkness. I salute your will to remain faithful even when uncertain.” – O. Silvera